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Bluffant : les astuces les plus WTF d’Instagram qui vont complètement changer votre quotidien !

Publié par Inès Arrom le 31 Août 2018 à 0:01
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Les astuces beauté :


La crème chantilly 

Idéale avec des fraises et de la pâte à tartiner, vous ne soupçonnez certainement pas qu’elle est aussi très utile pour vos cheveux et votre visage. La douceur de sa texture peut réparer vos pointes sèches et resserrer vos pores en quelques applications… et à moindre prix.

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SMOOTH SPLIT ENDS FOR $1.50😱 😡SPLIT ENDS ARE SO ANNOYING!!! Don't cut them off if you don't have to and prolong your cut! I havent had a haircut in over 1 year.. NO not even a trim!!! This is what I do to smooth my split ends so I dont have to cut my hair as often. 🤑Go to the grocery store. Get a can of whipped cream (full fat. REAL whipped cream – if youre vegan get coconut whipped cream) for $3 – I get two uses out of one can on my hair so each use = $1.50 and DONT EAT IT (unless u want to.. then get two cans)! Apply it to your hair and face and thank me later. No, im not trolling you. No, im not batsh*t crazy… it. works. wonders. 🍩Apply the whipped cream to DRY HAIR before you shower.. DO NOT BRUSH IT THRU.. apply with ur hands and let it sit for 10 mins. Wash out Thank. Me. Later. IT IS AMAZING!!!!! 🤡Its also SO DOPE as a makeup remover and face mask!! If your skin is dull, and youre looking for dat pregnancy glow without actually being pregnant.. TRY. THIS. MASK. 🤗I rubbed my skin to show you that im not wearing makeup.. my skin felt so glowy and fresh and I let my hair AIR DRY with NO product in it to show you how smooth it looked afterwards! I tried to zoom in as close as I could so you can visually see that the split ends looked completely smooth!! WHY THIS WORKS:🍰 Whipped cream has an ingredient in it derived from seaweed! It is EXTREMELY moisturizing and helps to smooth the hair cuticle and help make your split ends smoother .. it is the BEST conditioner ever!! Cream is full of FAT and PROTEIN and is so hydrating, which again, help smooth the hair and skin and give both the love they need it also contains lactic acid which is great for gently exfoliating your skin to give you a beautiful radiant glow This isn't the healthiest to eat (of course), but it's safe to eat. If it's safe to eat, applying it topically is also safe. 👇🏽👇🏽TAG A FRIEND YOU’D LOOK LIKE MRS. DOUBTFIRE WITH and DONT FORGET TO 👍🏾👍🏾LIKE THIS VID FOR MORE TIPS LIKE THIS!! It really helps me out!!! ILYFOREVER FAM!! ❤️ Disclaimer: dont cry over split ends. And don't cut ur hair in a rage. Have a snickers. Also Disclaimer: Test patch first.

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Les pommes de terre  

Oui les pommes de terre en frites, en chips ou en purée c’est super, ça va avec tout et en plus de ça, c’est succulent. Mais encore une fois, l’aliment qu’est la pomme de terre peut être très utile pour vos soins beauté. Elle possède des vertus insoupçonnables comme dégonfler les yeux ou atténuer les cernes. Comme dans la vidéo, il vous suffit de couper la pomme de terre en arc de cercle et de placer les morceaux sous vos yeux, attention elle doit être crue !

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🍟🍟Who loves fries??? Welllllll fries are made from potatoes and potatoes are good for dark circles and puffy eyes too!! WINNING!! Switch out your expensive night under eye serums for some potato juice All you need is chilled potato slices. You can juice the potato and use cotton rounds, or take the lazy easy way, like I do and cut under eye fry shapes 😂 Let the potato juice sit under your eye for 15-20 mins every night and you'll notice brighter under eyes and your puffiness will be reduced! NO MORE night serums! Potatoes to the rescue 💃🏽🏋🏽 do not wash off the juice – sleep with it overnight and wash in the morning. WHY THIS WORKS! – potatoes contain natural bleaching agents that will lighten dark circles over time and they have something called catecholase that reduces puffiness This will make your undereyes BRIGHT, PUFF FREE and TIGHT because of the vitamin A Disclaimer: As with any skin care regimen, always do a test patch first to see if your skin is allergic to any of the ingredients. Everyone's skin is different, so result can vary from person to person. I can not vouch for any substitute ingredients. This post is provided for information and educational purposes. It is not designed or intended to constitute medical advice. Please discontinue use if your skin does not react well to the regimen.

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Le déodorant sur le visage

Les maquilleurs.euses vous conseilleront toujours de bien poudrer la zone T de votre visage : le front, le nez et le menton. C’est ici que le sébum s’accumule ce qui nous fait briller. Généralement lorsque l’on brille trop c’est lorsqu’on a chaud, naturellement notre visage transpire. Et qu’est-ce que l’ont fait lorsqu’on transpire ? Ce compte Instagram vous recommande de mettre du déodorant sur votre zone T pour éviter une sudation excessive du visage. Assez étrange…

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Amazing beauty hacks for men 1/2! 😍 Follow: @diy.learning ❣️ Sigan: @diy.learning ❣️ By: @brush_ 👏👏 ⠀⠀ DOUBLE TAP ❤️ TAG YOUR FRIENDS✔️

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