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Un couple combine amour du yoga et passion du voyage, et voici ce que ça donne en images !

Publié par Charlene le 11 Sep 2017 à 9:33
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Ils combinent leurs deux passions

Le yoga est une activité passionnante ! Mais nous ne sommes pas là pour en vanter les mérites et les bienfaits. En revanche, Amor et Chase pourraient vous en parler mieux que moi. Il se trouve qu’ils ont cette passion en commun. Mais qu’ils sont également passionnées de voyages. Et ils ont eu la bonne idée d’associer ces deux hobbies. On peut d’ailleurs retrouver bon nombre de photos d’eux sur leur compte Instagram @chaseyamor ! Une belle façon de les voir dans des postures incongrues (non, le yoga ne nous met pas toujours à notre avantage). Mais aussi, de faire voyager votre esprit en observant les paysages dingues dans lesquels ils pratiquent leur activité.


Mais Chase est aussi amateur de Parkour

Amor est chilienne, et a déménagé en Grande-Bretagne pour suivre son compagnon. Qui est aujourd’hui son mari ! Et ils se sont découvert une passion commune : le yoga ! Mais au départ, Chase pratique le parkour, un sport qui consiste à passer des obstacles en sautant. Généralement en virevoltant partout dans les airs et en faisant toutes sortes d’acrobaties. C’est pour ça qu’on le voit en l’air sur la plupart des photos. Il combine postures de yoga et enchaînements de parkour. Ce qui donne un très chouette résultat en images ! Aujourd’hui, on vous montre quelques unes de leurs plus jolies photos, alors c’est parti :

What if you knew deep down that you could never go wrong? That the universe has a perfect plan for you that will never fail? That you can trust life to take you exactly where you need to be, at perfect time? Imagine this. Complete trust. Trust so profound, that you will never again have a doubt in your mind about the path you're on. A trust so complete that no matter what comes your way, you'll know it's here for a reason. Trust. So deep that there will be no space in your mind for fear.

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The best way to be happy with someone, is by learning how to be happy by yourself 💙 La mejor manera de ser feliz con alguien es aprendiendo a ser feliz solo

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Saddened by London news… things like this is something I expect to see in movies and not real life, there is still so much disconnection among the hearts of some people…Theres not much we can physically do, but love more, to keep faith that things will eventually get better, there's nothing we can do to change what has happened, but to connect to ourselves more and work toward peace and harmony within ourselves, if we can't find it, we will look outward, for fulfilment, security, peace, love, balance, harmony, and we might never find it, we can blame the whole world for making us feel a certain way, but only from within can we find peace, love and forgiveness… love to any of you who have lost or has been affected by any attack… love, Amor & Chase

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"Decide what you want, believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, and believe it's possible for you"… I always knew deep in my heart that there was a soul that would perfectly resonate with my own soul, I trusted that the true, magical kind of love existed and that I would not settle with anything less but this out of this world type of love… I also knew that my intentions were good, so I deserved to find the man of my dreams and that finding my soulmate would enhance my life, yet not complete it, I knew I was whole before my soul found this other beautiful soul @chase_armitage who makes my life even brighter and more beautiful… I put all of my faith, energy and love into our long distance relationship, for 5 years, I felt certainty, like never before that this was the real thing, I knew that we were made for each other💗 and we are 💓Love does not need to be perfect, it needs to be true🙏 #chaseyamor

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Our trip is coming to an end, but we know now that our feet will touch this fertile soil again, we love you Costa Rica 🇨🇷 @chase_armitage @yogablissipline

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The more we develop as humans, the more we understand that Love is All, not just conceptually but experientially. When we love ourselves enough, we start making right decisions not only for our well being but that also benefit (and not affect ) others. Love yourself fully 💖and then Love others 💞☮️

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Costa Rica was a dream🇨🇷 We loved every single place we went to, every place has got its own magic, we loved seeing so many animals in their natural environment, free and wild as it was meant to be 🐒🐸🐛🦋🐞🐿🐊 We carry the #PuraVida vibes in us now💙

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"In love lies the seed of our growth, the more we love, the closer we are to the spiritual experience" 💞 #vegancouple

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With every thought and action, we create the reality we want to experience. When there's thoughts of doubt, the probability of experiencing the desired reality drifts further away, unless you fully trust, yourself as well as the universe being on your side pushing you forward, you'll soon see it manifest 😊

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All is required is intention and a beginning 😊🌟 @chase_armitage & @yogablissipline

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Ready to embark on a journey to Costa Rica with the love of my life 😃😃😃

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RISING IN LOVE 💗🕉 Practicing some partner yoga while in South Africa 🇿🇦Such a stunning place to see, gorgeous friendly happy people, stunning landscapes, delicious food , especially @addis_in_cape_restaurant 😍😍😍👌🏽and the most astounding wildlife 🐘🦏🦌🐿🐃🐅we would go back over and over again!! #peacockpose #mayurasana @chase_armitage & @yogablissipline

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Crédit photo / photo à la une : capture @chaseyamor


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