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Experte en fitness & alimentation, elle pose pour dénoncer l’imposture des photos parfaites sur Instagram

Publié par Charlene le 09 Juil 2017 à 14:01
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Les photos parfaites d’Instagram

Faudrait pas non plus nous prendre pour des lapins de trois semaines. Et c’est pourtant bien ce qui se passe sur Instagram. Oui, nous sommes manipulé(e)s, par des images qui ne reflètent pas toujours la réalité. Et les Instagrameuses fitness sont les premières concernées. Il ne vous est jamais arrivé de regarder des photos et de vous dire que tout ça semblait irréel tellement c’était beau ? Eh bien, il faudrait peut-être creuser la question. Car si ça ne semble pas réel, c’est peut-être bien que ça ne l’est pas. Souvent, tout est une question de luminosité, de posture, de filtre, voire, de Photoshop. Eh oui, j’ai brisé tous vos rêves. C’est d’ailleurs l’instagrameuse Imre Çeçen qui a voulu dénoncer cette calomnie que sont ces foutues photos parfaites sur Instagram.

photos parfaites sur instagram

Personne n’est parfait…

Elle a donc posé, et nous livre des instants Avant / Après pour que l’on puisse se rendre compte de la différence. Notamment la différence entre une posture « normale » et une posture spéciale Instagram. Et croyez-moi, dans la vie, nous ne sommes pas en permanence en posture Instagram. Vaudrait mieux pas d’ailleurs. De quoi décomplexer pas mal de nanas qui se trouvent « trop ceci ou pas assez cela ». Vous allez voir que le fait de se tenir à peine plus courbée, en position relâchée, peut donner une toute autre impression que lorsque vos muscles sont contractés à 100 %. On vous laisse constater la preuve en images qu’Instagram est parfois (souvent) une grosse blague :

🚫PHOTOSHOP🚫 Transforming your body using training & diet takes years yet some photo shop only takes seconds. We live in a world with beauty "standards". I don't have a tiny waist and huge hips and it always made me feel kinda insecure. Lots of us feel the pressure to look like the people we see in magazines. . And yes some of the pictures we see as "goals" were made with photoshop. But does that mean everything is photoshop? NO! I'm getting real tired of this hype to say that all that's different from our own body must be photoshop. Guess what? There are people with a body like this right picture. There are people with naturally huge butts & tiny waists. I'm just not one of them. Does not matter though cause I've still gotten tons of "photoshop" comments under certain pictures . . Scroll back on my account and you'll find pics of me showing how much lighting or posture can change your appearance. Lots of people found this difficult to believe so then it must be photoshopped🙄 Yes, there's a filter but the shape of my body has not been altered. Just because something seems unreal to you doesn't always mean it's fake . . What you say on the internet has an impact on others. Imagine a girl with a naturally tiny waist and huge butt always getting comments that she uses photoshop even though she doesn't. That must suck right? Imagine an insecure girl using photoshop to look "prettier". Commenting that she is "still ugly as fuck" might indeed make her stop using photoshop. She'll get plastic surgery now . . People will always be doing things we don't agree with or simply don't understand. But does that really affect your life? Let's try to be kind to eachother. Hate won't make this world a better place 🙅🏻 . I know you probably thought that this post would be a rant on how there are "idiots" using photoshop but it isn't. Guess what? In real life you will also come across people who seem "perfect". And fuck, that's not photoshop. Work on your selfconfidence and know that you are gorgeous too! Someone elses beauty is not the absence of your own. As long as you are happy being you it shouldn't really matter what others are doing! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!❤

A post shared by Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 imrececen.com (@imrececen) on

Insta models be like; only gonna post pictures with lighting that shows my abs💁🏻🙄 Todays "influencers" often seem to forget that when you only post pictures like the left one your followers may think you look like that 24/7. #wedont ✨ This right pic was taken whilst using a strong artificial light which takes alway all shades💡 The left pic is only natural light which leaves the shades of my abs🌞I'm flexing in both pics and the pose is pretty much the same! ✨ I posted a similar pic not so long ago and I got so many comments saying it was photoshop🙄 This time I made a video too so maybe I'll upload it later. Honestly, I'm just trying to make something clear to you. No reason to fake it🙅🏻 ✨ Light is a life changer! You know what you do when you contour your face with make up? You put on fake shades to create depth in your face. You put on highlighter to make some parts of your face pop up. 💁🏻 ✨ Now think about abs. You can see muscles when a body is defined & thus the muscles "stick out". This creates the shades which shows us the definition. Take away lighting from a good angle and those shades & muscle definition are gone. It's that simple🙈 ✨ Don't always believe those magical transformations which happened in weeks. I could have just as well pretended this was a transformation pic. Always take your transformation pics with the same lighting! 💡 ✨ Transforming your body, mindset and lifestyle takes time and hard work⏳ Changing your body by using different lighting takes only seconds💁🏻 Stop focussing on others and stop comparing! Start focussing on yourself and start loving yourself! You don't need abs, a thigh gap or a big booty to be beautiful🙅🏻 You just need to be you!!🤗💕 ✨ Ps. Who's gonna stand in front of their mirror later today testing all sorts of lighting??😅 #iknowiwould Also if you don't believe these pics were taken moments apart: look at that tiny stripe on my hand where I tested my eyeliner😂💁🏻 Oh and tag a friend who needs to know that lighting can make such a big difference!💡👯

A post shared by Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 imrececen.com (@imrececen) on

So I posted a pic of the difference between me standing and me sitting a while ago and I got some real badass comments🤔 I got called "fat", "ugly" and was even told that "real" fitgirls don't look like this right pic when they sit down🙄 🤦🏻‍♀️ ✨ First of all: being fit has very little to do with how you look. Having a low fatpercentage does not mean someone is fit or healthy🙅🏻 It goes the other way around too. Not having a low fatpercentage does NOT mean you can't be fit. There is no standard for being fit. We can all be fit in our own way! Find a way of being fit that makes you happy!🏋🏻‍♀️⛹🏻‍♀️🚴🏽‍♀️🏊🏼‍♀️ ✨ Then for the people who said they do not have any kind of "rolls" when they sit: we all have a skin. Your skin is your biggest organ and keeps your other organs together whilst keeping bacteria etc out. Your skin is flexible so you can MOVE🙆🏻 Being flexible also means that if you push it certain ways it rolls up a bit. Be thankful for those skinrolls! Without them you'd have to stay put in one place your entire life and probably die a lonely death. Cause no, your other inflexible friends can't move either😅 🙈 ✨ . When I sit up straight and flex I don't have any rolls. When I slouch, round my shouders and back I do have some tiny rolls. I'd rather call them skinfolds though. I'll be honest: I don't really have a huge pouch. For "normal" people standards I actually have little fat on my belly. Then again, for bodybuilding standards my fatpercentage is NOT that low at all🤷🏻‍♀️ . ✨ There is no such thing as a perfect body. Your goals depend on what kinda people you surround yourself with and look up to👀 You might look at yourself and think you're "too fat" whereas someone else looks at you and wishes one day they will look like you. Learn to love yourself no matter what! You won't find happiness in having your goal body🙅🏻 You have to find happiness within yourself!💕 ✨ There will always be people who won't like you. But guess what? There will also ALWAYS be people who LOVE you! Become your own biggest fan. See how amazing you are and suddenly you'll turn into "goals" yourself! I believe in you, now believe in yourself too!👊🏼❤❤

A post shared by Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 imrececen.com (@imrececen) on


🤰🏻👀 By now you've probably seen one of these kinda pics before but I was so amazed myself that I just had to share. Look at the difference between me coming straight out of bed and me in the evening🌝✨ . . We all know there are only 2 reasonable explanations. 1. My stomach is kinda bloated due to all the food it had to digest during the day🍝 2. I got abducted & impregnated by aliens👽 Although I'd love to see what my half alien baby would look like lets talk about option nr 1 aka bloating🤰🏻 . Although most of us instagirls seem to have a flat tummy 24/7 we really don't. Most pictures on the internet are posed and show sucked in and flexed bellies😶 Great and all but it can give you a disformed idea of reality. Cause yes, I also get affected by what I see on the internet. I have stood in front of my mirror many times wondering why I looked like I was carrying triplets whilst all other fitgirls seemed to have a flat tummy all the freaking time🤷🏻‍♀️🤔 . . We like to show our "best" sides online and that's also okay!💕 However from time to time we might need a reminder that no one walks around looking "perfect" every single second of the day. It's normal for your tummy to expand a bit during the day. I mean hello, where did you think the food you eat goes?!😅 . . Be happy that your body digests all that food cause if it didn't you wouldn't be living that much longer😵 Angrily staring at your bloated belly isn't gonna make it go away. Might even make it worse.. stress isn't good for your tummy at all🙈 . . Appreciate that your body is constantly working to keep you alive!🤗 Damn your body sounds like a good friend, right? So treat it like one! Start loving your body! Your body is not your enemy but your ally!🤝 Work with it and not against it. If you love your body no one can take that away and you'll be stronger than ever! LOVE YOURSELF!❤❤ . Ps. In case it turns out I'm actually carrying an alien baby I'll keep you up to date! What shall I name him/her?!👶🏻😂 #somanythingstotakecareof #willmybabyevermeetherdad? #gonnabeasinglemum

A post shared by Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 imrececen.com (@imrececen) on

⁉️CAN YOU GET RID OF ALL SKINFOLDS &FATROLLS?⁉️ I know some people might think that this is a silly question but I noticed that lots of women and girls do seem to struggle with this and that's more than logical!!!💭 . On tv and in magazines we only see airbrushed bodies, "flattering" poses and even bodies which had so much surgery that you might wonder if it's still human. This changes our ideas about reality and the "perfect body". Suddenly young girls seem to think they need a butt so big that you can't even turn around anymore without smacking someone down with it😅 That shit is more dangerous than idiots walking around with giant backpacks or pipes 🎒 😵 #youcouldkillsomeone . Girls want to look like a marble statue without any rolls or folds. You know why that statue doesn't have folds? Cause it's a statue and it can't move! Be greatfull cause that skin of yours gives you the opportunity to walk around, to eat and just to live in general!✨ . If you're feeling down whenever you see any rolls, folds or whatever: go check out my latest YouTube video! It's called "can you get rid of all skinfolds & fatrolls" and as far as I've heard it makes you see fatrolls in a totally different way! #theyareyourfriends (Kinda want to quote all amazing resposes I got) Anyway, the direct link to this video is in my bio so check it out!! It tells you if it's possible to be all skinfold & fatroll free🤗 Oh and a realistic view of my body in different poses🙈 #hellofolds #hellorolls . Some skin folds or rolls shouldn't make you freak out🙅🏻 You should be happy that you've got them!! So no need to look as terrified as I do in this left picture😅 Doing this will only give you more skinfolds only these are called wrinkles😂👵🏻 #uhoh . Start loving your body for all it does is taking care of you! Literally, it's only job is to be there for you!👯 Stop seeing your body as your enemy, stop hating it! Start seeing your body as your best friend! Start loving it! You are beautiful no matter what!❤ . RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU'RE READY TO START LOVING YOUR BODY!🙋🏻💕 day by day, step by step, fold by fold & roll by roll!🤗💕 💕 . Ps. If you're having a bad day just zoom in on my overdamatic face😫😂😭

A post shared by Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 imrececen.com (@imrececen) on

‼️BLOATING‼️ it happens to all of us and that's why so many fitness bloggers are sharing this with all their followers at the moment. Great and all but is bloating always as innocent as we think? NO!!🙅🏻 I don't want to scare you too much cause there are many silly and normal reason which cause this oh so famous "foodbaby" 👶🏻🍫🍕 . Yet these pictures of mine were taken in the morning on an EMPTY stomach. This ain't no ordinary foodbaby🙅🏻I turned out to have a serious case of LGS. This can actually get you really sick and that's also what it did to me😩 New blogpost is on my blog explaining what can be the "less serious" causes of your bloated belly but also the serious ones! + some tips to prevent bloating. Direct link is in my bio🤗 – – I'm feeling kinda mean now cause I know how happy everyone was getting from all those fitness bloggers sharing how normal a bloat is. Sorry to be your dream crusher but sometimes bloating can be an indicater of a quite serious digestive issue. No need to instantly run to your doctor when your tummy gets a bit bigger after a meal guys🙅🏻 Just read the post and figure out what causes your beloved "foodbaby". – – It's totally normal for your body (&belly) to change a bit during the day. You can't expect to eat and drink without getting a little "bigger". I mean everything consume has to go somewhere right? Don't get too fooled by what you see on instagram. As I said I had a severe case of LGS and also candida. (All explained in the post) This picture was on an empty stomach so after I'd eaten my tummy got even bigger and would hurt like hell. Yet even I could still suck it in! – – Don't think you should be embarrassed because of a tiny bloat! You might think all your "idols" don't have one because you never see it on their pictures. WAKE UP! Look at how bloated I am and yet still able to suck it in for a picture. Even us instagram weirdos who are believed to have super powers just because we have lots of followers are only human. We get bloated to, we have fatrolls or skinfolds and damn do I look ugly most of the time😂👹 – – Be proud of who you are! You are beautiful, amazing and stronger than you might think! Go get it!!❤

A post shared by Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 imrececen.com (@imrececen) on

‼️DIFFERENT KIND OF "KEEP IT REAL"‼️ I know some people are all done with the "keep it real" pictures so I thought I'd try a new one😅 I find this one kinda hilarious🙈chilling by the pool instagram vs real life👙 . Anyone familiar with the concept of having all "normal" legs when you're standing but as soon as you sit down they transform into huge piles of meat?🍖😂 Why is it that those 2 sticks we use to walk expand to the size of Texas whenever they touch a chair?😅 . This is the most NORMAL thing ever yet us girls seem to be so self conscious about it😔 Hello! Your legs are being pushed against a surface, they are supposed to expand! This doesn't mean you're fat🙅🏻 Even muscle will just look like a huge shapeless pile of meat when there's no flexing involved🍖 If you don't want your legs to expand maybe invest in stone legs!⛰⛏ I'd choose marble ones💁🏻😂 . We've just lost touch with reality because on the internet all we see are those freaking hot dog legs🌭 I am guilty of posting those too! Yet even I wondered on my last vacay why my legs were so "big" when I sat down. 😅 . Thought I'd take a good comparison pic and I'm pretty sure I've got a hernia now😅 Creating that thighgap & skinny legs feel was real hard😵 I had to arch my back like crazy, hold my legs up (serious ab work was involved) and had to sit on the edge of the pool which caused me to almost fall. Both my camera & I would have drowned in the sadness of insta perfection (I would survive the water though, I can swim!🙆🏻) To people who do sit like this in real life; I admire your core strenght & willpower! . Yep, that's the truth behind poolside hotdog pics. Truth be told I'd much rather sit like that right pic whilst enjoying an actual hotdog🌭 What is your fave poolside snack? Kinda wanted to hold a piece of watermelon whilst taking this but it turns out that's only for advanced instagram posing😅 I couldn't hold myself up, flex them abs, hold a watermelon & take pics at the same time😂 Guess I better start practicing for my next vacay!💁🏻 . Ps. I don't think there's anything wrong with the way my legs look in the pic on the right. Just showing you the difference! 🌭 vs 🍖 = both yummy🙆🏻

A post shared by Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 imrececen.com (@imrececen) on

"GOALS" VS "FATROLLS" 👀 To anyone who calls me "goals" or "perfection" when they see that left picture or other pictures of me on insta: just know that if this left picture is your "goal" the right one should be too!!! Both me, both beautiful and only taken minutes apart. So this is actually GOALS VS GOALS!! ✨ . 🎥New video is up on my Youtube called "can you get rid of all skinfold & fatrolls?" Make sure you watch it if you've been feeling a bit down because whenever you sit rolls show up. Direct link is in my bio!😘 . If instagram was a river and you went fishing the main thing you'd catch would be "flattering pictures" & "flexed bodies"🐟🐟 Realise that you only see part of someone when you scroll through their account! 👀 . When I look at these pictures I see a beautiful girl in both of them!✨ It took me years though to learn to accept my body the way it is and I'm still learning to love it more every single day!❤ . So why do we mainly post pictures like the left one? I think everyone has their own reason. It could be insecurity but it could also be to show off hard work!👊🏼 . In the end we all need to learn that we are beautiful no matter what! A year ago I would have instantly deleted that picture on the right💔 And now? Do you see that giant smile? It's me smiling at myself in the mirror. I could see every roll, fold or whatever and thought; "you know what girl? You are beautiful!" ❤️ . Don't let some rolls hold you back in life!🙅🏻 Only avoid going to parties cause you're at home eating cinnamon rolls, not because of some silly fatrolls! . . Showing you a very realistic shapecheck in my Youtube video without hiding any rolls or folds. Damn even pulling them rolls so hard that they bounce back when I let go of them. Should have slow motioned that part! Would have been hilarious!😂😂 . Know that you don't need to lose weight or reach that "goal body" to be beautiful🙅🏻 YOU ARE ALREADY BEAUTIFUL! Open your eyes and see how amazing you are! I wanna see you shine! I want you to see your own beauty! Walk to that mirror and tell yourself; I AM BEAUTIFUL!❤️❤️ . (Maybe also tell your mum that she's beautiful since it's mothersday!)🙈

A post shared by Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 imrececen.com (@imrececen) on

🚨Spoiler alert🚨 I did not pull down my shorts, they are at the same height in all these pictures!! Look at the distance between my shorts and bellybutton🙈 IT'S ALL ABOUT POSTURE!! ✨ So how is this even possible? On the left picture I'm completely pushing my hips forwards and my back & shoulders are rounded. Due to this my boobs get pushed towards my belly button. Slouching is defenitely bad posture and can cause serious health issues! Honestly, I think this is how we all look coming out of the changing room when your mum forced you to try on something ridiculous😂 ✨ "Natural" posture me is just chilling😎 No weird pose, no overarching or slouching🙅🏻 Just standing proud an standing tall! I mean, look at that happy face! Standing like this takes me little to no effort but does force my core to engage😌 ✨ Than we have posed me💁🏻 No time to smile cause damn this pose is hard work😅 Flexing my abs and arching that back so much we might as well turn it into a slide for them kids to play on🙈 Because of the arched back my abs are more visible and the distance between my shorts & sportsbra looks bigger . ✨ Since I've posted something similar before I know people are gonna say; "even when posing I look like the pic on the left"🤔 Let me tell you something THIS IS NOT ABOUT HAVING ABS OR A "THIGHGAP"🙅🏻 EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU LOOKS BETTER WITH PROPER POSTURE!! You go get the best out of YOUR body by OWNING it! Be proud!! 👯 ✨ Look at left pic me👀 Honestly, I kinda look like a serial killer who just layed eyes upon its next victim. Why? The rounded back & neck make it almost impossible to look up. Instead of trying to hide behind "closed" body language try to stand proud and tall! You deserve to be seen! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!❤❤ ✨ New blogpost about posture is up! Direct link to my fb is in my bio. You'll find the link there👀You definitely don't want to miss this one. Ended it with my worst joke/pun ever😂😭 #gettingworseeverysingleday #proudofitthough 💁🏻 Also yes, thank you for letting me know this "dumb ass bitch" made a spelling mistake🙄 People who also have dyslexia will understand😓 #nevergetitright #evenwhenyoudoublecheck

A post shared by Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 imrececen.com (@imrececen) on

Hooray, yet another 30 second transformation. We probably all know by now that even us instagrammers don't walk around posing all day😅 I mean seriously, who's got time for that? Also I'm pretty sure it would hurt as hell. But why did I call that left picture "bad" posture?✨ ✨ Posing means that you push your body out of its comfort zone. So not in its natural "shape". Yet in the left picture my body is also not in its "natural" shape. My shoulders are rounded so the upper part of my spine is curved. My hips are pushed forward which makes the lower part of my spine curve. Lots of us are walking around like this so guess it's nothing to worry about, right? . That's where we're wrong!! This posture is also called "slouching" and can cause serious health problems!! It can cause headaches, pulled muscles and back pains. That's why I called it "bad" posture. Now don't get freaked out cause this is not a death sentence but it's certainly something to think about🤔 . Lots of things can be done to change your posture. Start practicing to stand up straight and check your posture. Training can also help. Strengthen your core and make sure you stretch enough. Tight muscles can really change your posture and not in a good way. ✨ ✨ So should you now continue life looking like that right picture? Wouldn't recommend that either🙅🏻 Sure posing is fun for a picture but it's also not a healthy posture. In real life you should be looking somewhere in between these two pics. ✨ ✨ I know that working on your posture doesn't really sound like fun or maybe it just sounds like bullshit to you😳 But guess what; good posture makes you look so much better! Stand proud and tall, open your chest and you'll suddenly look so confident! ✨ ✨ Slouching is often done cause the closed posture makes us feel like we can "hide" from the rest of the world. Guess what? I can still see you! So instead of slouching, start standing straight up. Walk through the door like; hello, HERE I AM! Be proud!! You deserve to be seen!!❤❤ tag someone who needs to know about the importance of posture!!👯 ✨ Do you ever think about your posture? Or do you work on it? Let me know😘

A post shared by Imre Çeçen 🇳🇱🇹🇷 imrececen.com (@imrececen) on

Crédits photos / photo à la une : @imrececen


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