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Les tatoueurs de Manchester lancent une opération pour tatouer des abeilles, symbole de la ville, et reverser les fonds aux familles des victimes !

Publié par Charlene le 26 Mai 2017 à 15:44
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L’abeille travailleuse : symbole de Manchester

Après l’attentat de Manchester survenu à la fin d’un concert d’Ariana Grande le 22 mai 2017, les tatoueurs de la ville ont lancé une opération inédite. Peut-être le saviez-vous déjà, mais l’abeille est symbolique de la ville de Manchester. Les tatoueurs ont donc lancé le projet « Manchester Tattoo Appeal ». Le but ? Tatouer des abeilles à qui en voudra en signe de soutien aux victimes. D’ailleurs, le tatouage coûtera environ 57 euros et les fonds récoltés seront reversés aux familles des victimes. L’attentat, revendiqué par l’E.I., avait alors fait 22 morts et 119 blessés au Manchester Arena…

tatouer une abeille

Un motif apprécié dans le monde entier

Quant à cette vaste opération de tatouage, elle aura lieu les 28 et 29 mai prochain. Cette idée vient du tatoueur Sam Barber, dont le motif abeille avait déjà séduit outre-manche. Tellement populaire qu’il avait même gagné le coeur des Australiens. Cette opération de tatouages d’abeille est une façon de montrer au monde entier que les mancuniens sont unis dans la douleur. Ce motif abeille est en passe de devenir un véritable symbole d’espoir pour toute une population. Pour retrouver quels salons proposent ces tattoos, rendez-vous sur Facebook. Vous y retrouverez les noms et coordonnées des salons de la ville.

#Manchester 🐝💛💜💙💚❤ This Sunday ill be tattooing these all day to raise money for the victims familys #manchestertattooappeal even if you cant come down and get tattooed please donate details on my last post 🐝 @studioixmanchester

A post shared by Zoe Lorraine Tattoos ♡ (@zoelorrainee) on

"This is Manchester. We do things differently here." #manchestertattooappeal **hello hello urging anyone who wants to get involved to contact their nearest tattoo artist to see If they're willing to help out as I know a lot of places have high demand. The Manchester Workers Bee Tattoo in return for a £50 donation towards helping those affected by the tragedy this week. This can be sent through JustGiving.com. Big up to @inkslingerstattoonewcastle for being the best as always. One love Manchester 🐝**

A post shared by Dominique (@__dollllll) on


One from a while back that seems pretty fitting right now. Proud to be a tattooist and growing up in Manchester it's overwhelming to see the acts of kindness, and offers of help from everyone today. A little goes a long way. There are still studios with spaces on their fundraising events, look for Manchester Tattoo Appeal on Facebook. 💗🐝 #manchesterbee #Manchester #quick#Bury #manchestertattooappeal @quickdrawtattoo_bury

A post shared by Emma Mowbray (@mowbles) on

For Saffie, for Nell, for Georgina, for Megan, for Martyn, for John, for Olivia, for Alison, for Lisa, for Kelly, for Angelika, for Marcin, for Jane, for all the victims yet to be named, for all of your families, and all of your friends, for everyone affected, for us, for OUR city, for MANCHESTER. The North will remember. #manchestertattooappeal #manchesterbee #wearemanchester #standtogether #themancunianway

A post shared by Lauren Yates (@fierce_sweet_honour) on

Just had our #manchesterbee tattoos in support of the families of those affected by the attack on Manchester. Great work by the people of @alchemytattoostudio

A post shared by DomManfredi (@domman93) on

Qued for 7 hours today to get these gems with all earnings going to charity. The customer service at @alchemytattoostudio was amazing, and whilst there was a long wait it was a heart warming experience. Workers from McColls headed over with a trolley of bottled water, Marty's bar brought numerous trays of soft drinks, another shop handed out ice pops, other people donated food to hand out to customers. We bumped into one of our old English Teachers, ITV Granada News came filming alongside journalists from Wigan today, and towards the end the shop was visited by one of the first officers to attend the scene in Manchester. I'm so glad we had the opportunity to contribute towards something, and when my grandchildren ask what this tattoo is about I'll be able to explain the touching story behind it. Wigan is with you #Manchester, we stand in solidarity. @fannielledisher

A post shared by Jasmine (@jasminexhumphreys) on

For all those affected by Monday's events.. For Manchester 💛🐝 #manchester #manchesterbee #tattoo #manchestertattooappeal #manchestertattoo #manchesterink #prayformanchester #ourcity

A post shared by Vanessa Rowland (@nessy_888) on

Crédit photo / photo à la une : @nessy_888


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